How did the idea come about? Zhineng Qigong workshops in Poland, why not?
I became interested in Qigong and Chinese culture a few years ago, visiting my daughter studying in China. I started with Qigong literature and exercises – Six Secret Words, and then Flying Crane. Exercises made me want to know how the Chinese are cultivating Qigong. I gained contact with the center – Zhineng Qigong school in Shantung province. I spent a few days in a Chinese center for the first time in 2015. I was delighted with him because the Chinese inspired me to continue learning the system and the next visits to the center.

Experience from Qigong exercises in China.

First time in China I spent a few days at qigong center in China. I was fascinated by the attitude of the participants and their commitment to the exercises, which is quite different from the one I know in Poland.
During the trips I met Laoshi Liu Faxiang, who runs the center. It turned out that Liu Faxiang had already visited Poland on the occasion of the Qigong conference organized in Kielce in 2009. Liu Faxiang is a very warm and nice man surrounded by the legend of the great teacher Zhineng Qigong and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine.
Feelings after exercise and health improvement.
Based on several years of experience in practice in China, I noticed that the health of the qigongers improves over time during strenuous exercise. Qigong practice is an art of self-healing cultivated in China for many generations. There is no need to explain to the average Chinese what Qigong is.
It is difficult to organize a few hours of daily activities in work or study in everyday life, workshops are a good solution. Hence the idea of organizing workshops in Poland.
The Chinese work out Qigong exercises with great determination.
Depending on the season, 60 to 80 Qigong students practice and live in the resort. Exercises start at 6 o’clock and end at 20 o’clock which, after deducting the time for breaks, gives 8.5 hours. classes, which include: system practice through dynamic exercises 5 hours, static exercises and meditation 3 hours, lecture on average 0.5 hours a day. At school (this is what we call the Zhineng Qigong center) there is a division into 2 groups, one so-called “healing group” in which the emphasis is on static self-healing techniques and the other regular in which more dynamic forms are performed.

Why are Qigong workshops so good for health?

During the workshop, we can focus on our body and health. Thanks to Qigong, meditative exercises and insight into ourselves, many things become simpler and we can forgive the errors ourselves and our neighbor. We can release injuries and become less dependent on our negative emotions, such as feelings of anger, regret, guilt, shame and reflection. It will reach us what is important to us and what is not. Who is our friend and who is not. Qigong and meditation are not only health, but also suggest many life solutions.
Zhineng qigong was created by Doctor Pang Ming – a doctor of Chinese and Western medicine. It is a composition of various traditional qigongs. This so-called an “open” system characterized by obtaining Qi from the Universe (the so-called Xikung) and using Qi to heal and strengthen the body. It is currently enjoying the greatest popularity in the Middle Kingdom. The first 3 levels are described in detail in publicly available literature, including the internet. Forms are intended for everyone who wants to recover and improve health. Others are not generally available, due to the high level of complexity and the need to learn in the Master-student system.
Each exercise in Zhineng has its purpose and is to achieve the intended effect. (Zhineng means intelligent) I will briefly describe the first Peng Qi exercise. The goal of this exercise is to improve health and stay away from disease. The two main ideas of this exercise are:
- Unifying the mind with Qi and directing the Qi with the mind. Through the opening and closing movements and mental visualization, we release Qi from the body and draw in the original “Hunyuan” Qi (Qi of the universe) to strengthen the connection between our body and the original Qi. This exercise also strengthens our sensation of various organs of our body.
- Collecting external Qi. By practicing Peng Qi, we will be able to learn to administer external Qi to heal ourselves and heal others.
Being in China I watch people exercising. For the most part, they spend months or even years at the center. The Chinese are treating a whole spectrum of diseases with exercises. I’m impressed by the view of those whose appearance and overall condition are improving year by year. I understood that it was the result of persistent exercises. A large group of exercisers create a strong Qi field, which people can feel even at the initial stage of advancement. In addition, a large group motivates us and it is much easier to convince ourselves of long-term exercises.
Group exercises at workshops in Poland I decided to implement inspired by the model of the Chinese school. I would like it to be the same intensity of exercise. High intensity causes rapid energy progress and builds strong Qi field in the group. A strong Qi field is a great benefit for the exercisers, they can easily get a lot of Qi for themselves. Of course, the more involved they are, the better the effect.
Why exactly Zhineng Qigong?
Zhineng Qigong on the so-called open system. It is a very secure system, i.e. there is no need to come to a higher level, control by the Teacher. There is a lot of literature on Zhineng, unfortunately so far only in Chinese or English. There is a lot of information on the Internet, videos on exercises.